Lesson Planning with Me

Hello! I teach an integrated preschool classroom, which means I am responsible for students ages three to five with special needs of all types as well as typical developing students. My students range in ability from a toddler to a typical kindergartener. Therefore, my activities must be able to reach a wide range and be easily adjusted for multiple ability levels.

I created this blog as a way to keep track of the fantastic ideas I have gathered over the years. Because I just randomly add activities to the blog, use the search, standard list, or theme list on the left side to find the activities you are after!

I also create and sell resources that can be found at TeachersPayTeachers and Teacher's Notebook.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Portfolio Ideas

I take pictures of each of the children in each center, through out the year. I then tape them on a sheet of paper that tell about that center and the importance of it in their child's growth process.  I spiral bound the papers and then they have a booklet to keep from preschool.


Each month, beginning with the first month, children draw their self-portraits. At the end of the year the pages are bound and the cover is titled "Look How I've Grown!" This is a great way to show parents progress.

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