Lesson Planning with Me

Hello! I teach an integrated preschool classroom, which means I am responsible for students ages three to five with special needs of all types as well as typical developing students. My students range in ability from a toddler to a typical kindergartener. Therefore, my activities must be able to reach a wide range and be easily adjusted for multiple ability levels.

I created this blog as a way to keep track of the fantastic ideas I have gathered over the years. Because I just randomly add activities to the blog, use the search, standard list, or theme list on the left side to find the activities you are after!

I also create and sell resources that can be found at TeachersPayTeachers and Teacher's Notebook.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Finding Letters in My/Your Name


  • Rice
  • Small Tub
  • Magnetic letters
  • Name cards
  • Sentence strip, if desired


  1. Before activity begins, hide letters from all participating students' names in a small tub filled with rice.
  2. Ask students to find their name cards before beginning.
  3. In turn, allow students to sift through and find a letter.  Instruct child to first name the letter and then decide if it is in his/her name.  
  4. If desired, student can repeat "The letter ___ is/is not in my name."
  5. If the letter is in his/her name, allow child to keep letter.  If not ask child to give it to someone who does have that letter in his/her name.  Instruct receiving child to say sentence, if desired.
  6. Continue until all letters have been retrieved.
  7. Instruct students to now put all the letters in order to spell his/her name.
Variation: Include all letters to give students more practice naming letters or when working alone.

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