Lesson Planning with Me

Hello! I teach an integrated preschool classroom, which means I am responsible for students ages three to five with special needs of all types as well as typical developing students. My students range in ability from a toddler to a typical kindergartener. Therefore, my activities must be able to reach a wide range and be easily adjusted for multiple ability levels.

I created this blog as a way to keep track of the fantastic ideas I have gathered over the years. Because I just randomly add activities to the blog, use the search, standard list, or theme list on the left side to find the activities you are after!

I also create and sell resources that can be found at TeachersPayTeachers and Teacher's Notebook.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Five Little Monkeys

Of course we have a few mini-books, the first one is about colors…And the other about counting/numbers 1-10…My tot loves the pockets with cards so I created a few of these for this set. The first is a simple story retelling pocket. You can see I added a photo of myself to be the “Momma” for him!The next is a Monkey Parts pocket, focusing on identifying body parts. I included a photo of Krash in this on also, so he can point to his parts and the monkey’s parts using the cards (except the tail, hopefully).I made a Monkey ABC set, including both lower and upper case letters. Krash knows all of his upper case and we re working on lowercase right now. I left his letters cut in strips like you see, as the 26 individual cards are just too much for him right now. I plan to help him sing the ABCs and lay them in correct order, and also match up the upper/lower case strips to each other. As he advances, I will cut them apart.Finally, I made a size sequencing set…
I plan to collect all of our stuffed monkeys, plastic monkeys, etc. and place a monkey on one of his trays with one of the new components. It will be tray work for him-which he likes, with a new little surprise each day!

Find the activities here.
From: 1+1+1=1

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